Nationwide initiative – violence against women – help for men

Well advised instead of getting out of hand
Under the slogan, the Styrian Men’s Emergency Call offers men and young men in particular a first, immediate and low-threshold contact point and help around the clock in conflicts, crises of all kinds and situations of violence. “Prevention is an important part of preventing violence against women and children. We are an outlet for aggression, frustration and despair, give men the opportunity to talk about their crises around the clock and to get advice and help so that there is no discharge in the form of violence, ”explains the head of the men’s emergency number , Eduard Hamedl. “A trusting conversation is often the first step towards change.” Right now it is so important to inform the population where “man” can get help. The SPAR company makes a major contribution to this by printing the number of the men’s emergency number on the cash register receipts.