Natural prebiotics and probiotics: in which foods can they be found? : Current Woman Le MAG

1. What are prebiotics and probiotics?

According to INSERM, probiotics designate live microorganisms which, consumed in sufficient quantities, allow better functioning of the body. These probiotics can be bacteria (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, lactococci) but also yeasts. They are found naturally in certain fermented foods, but also in the form of food supplements. Taking them regularly helpsimprove the composition of the famous “intestinal flora“. The latter, also called intestinal microbiota, refers to a set of microorganisms located at the edge of the intestine to protect it. They live in symbiosis with the human body and are not pathogenic. On the contrary, they contribute to the proper functioning of the body. To summarize, a well-balanced microbiota is essential for good digestive, metabolic, immune and neurological health.

Prebiotics, for their part, are molecules that feed on the bacteria that reside in our intestine. Consuming prebiotics helps take care of the health of the intestinal flora. Prebiotic molecules are present in many foods.

Probiotics like prebiotics can be very useful in cases of imbalances in the intestinal flora. Thus, foods containing it help increase the number of beneficial microorganisms and reduce the population of harmful ones.

2. What is the role of intestinal flora?

Prebiotics and probiotics are essential for the balance of the intestinal ecosystem and contribute to well-being and health” explains Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad, dietitian nutritionist and author of Digest Food by Éditions Mango. Indeed, several studies have proven that the intestinal flora has an essential role in the transit, digestion and assimilation of nutrients. They ensure the fermentation of indigestible fibers of our food on which they feed. Thus, an imbalance can lead to digestive disorders.

The role of the microbiota is to degrade certain food residues, including certain plant fibers. It also allows degradation of certain proteins, the assimilation of nutrients and the synthesis of some vitamins. The intestinal flora also has a role in defense of the body : micro-organisms act to prevent the establishment of certain pathogens, limit infectious development and stimulate the immune system.

Prebiotics and probiotics “contribute to the production of certain vitamins (vitamin K, B12, B8) and regulate the absorption of fatty acids, iron, magnesium, calcium…” according to the nutritionist.

3. Prebiotics: in what foods can we find them?

It is entirely possible to find sufficient prebiotics in our diet. Thus, certain prebiotics are naturally present in certain legumes, seeds, cereals or other fruits. You can find them in Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, peas, shallots, apples, grapefruits, pomegranates and nectarines. You can also find it in wheat, barley, pistachios or cashews.

There is no recommended daily amount of prebiotics to consume. However, ANSES recommends adults 30 g of fiber per day. If the quantity of prebiotics consumed is not sufficient, it is possible to supplement with food supplements.

4. Probiotics: in what foods can we find them?

Probiotics can be found in our daily diet. It is possible to find it in foods of plant origin such as cabbage and sauerkraut. It contains a lot of lactic acid, but also antioxidants. Spirulina and pickles also contain a lot. Many olives have been fermented and contain a large number of them. Some probiotics are also found in milk, especially in yogurt and cheese.. The first, made from fermented milk, are rich in bifidus and excellent for transit. The latter, with crusts, are known to be very good sources of probiotics. Finally, kefir, a very fashionable drink recently, is also a very good source of probiotics. Kefir is prepared from kefir grains. The latter are clusters of micro-organisms which allow a dairy product to ferment.

To conclude, the specialist adds that “diet determines the composition and state of the intestinal microbiota. Western food modern food is too often made up of empty calorie foods such as sodas, sweets, refined cereals (white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc.) devoid of fiber, vitamins and minerals necessary for their digestion.. She goes on to add that our diet is “too rich in fats of animal origin (found in meat, cold meats, cheeses, etc.) which promote the proliferation and activity of many pathogenic bacterial species”.

Read also :

⋙ Probiotics for weight loss: which ones should you choose?

⋙ Natural probiotics: what are the foods richest in probiotics to take care of your intestinal flora?

⋙ Prebiotic treatment: our advice for strengthening your immune system

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