New Apex Legends Leaks – Dissent: New Mode, Mad Maggie and Battle Pass

First let’s talk of the new 9v9 gamemode whose gameplay has been revealed, “Control”. This will be a game mode in which the objective will be to capture points with your team, a bit like what is done at Call of Duty. You will appear on a closed map with three key areas. By capturing these areas, they will grant you objective points. The first team at 1250 points wins the game. However, we still don’t know if this game mode will only be temporary or permanent. but given the resources injected, there is a good chance that it is here to stay.

Regarding Mad Maggie, her abilities were recently revealed by Respawn. His passive will be called “Warlord’s Ire”granting her the movement speed she would have disarmed when she is holding a shotgun. Also, after hitting an enemy, they will be highlighted for you and your allies. His Ultimate will be called “Wrecking Ball”, a big ball that will crush anything in its path, leaving speed-boost pads behind for your allies. Finally, it is his Tactical which is very strong, the “Riot Drill”. He will dig through walls, to shoot acid at enemies hidden behind. All of the skins, finishers, banners and emotes that Mad Maggie will have has also been revealed and available by following this link.

In addition, many small bugs within the game will be fixed, like the punch boost, which had become an inherent mechanic of the game. You will no longer be able to propel you further by sliding and tapping behind you. The Apex Legends: Dissent Battle Pass has also been fully revealed.

Respawn also told the press yesterday thata Next-Gen version of Apex Legendsfor PS5 and Xbox Series, was coming “very very soon” with “many new features”.

In the meantime, Apex Legends – Dissent swill be available this February 8 on all platforms where the game is already present.

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