New presale reaches $4 million

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In 2023, Bitcoin mining will no longer be feasible for private investors due to the enormous increase in difficulty and the high energy requirements, which require professional, energy-efficient mining hardware. In addition, high investment costs for powerful mining hardware and strong competition make entry much more difficult. Private investors are falling behind as the professionalization (and centralization) of the mining industry continues. But Bitcoin Minetrix wants to change that.

Stake-2-Mine is now an innovative, decentralized cloud mining model that prioritizes transparency and user-friendliness. This allows users to invest in crypto mining through simple staking, which allows them to directly participate in the mining performance. This method is intuitive, so even newcomers to the crypto sector can easily access and participate in the mining process without the complexity and expense of owning their own hardware.

This is how the team itself describes the Stake 2 Mine concept on the website:

The stake-to-mine concept is a novel idea that promises to bring Bitcoin mining back into the realm of possibility for ordinary crypto lovers for several reasons. Bitcoin Minetrix users only need an Ethereum compatible wallet like MetaMask to purchase and stake BTCMTX tokens, making things very easy.

Decentralized cloud mining offers these advantages

The concept of Stake-2-Mine as a form of cloud mining aims to become an efficient alternative to traditional hardware mining by offering various beneficial aspects for individuals:

Accessibility: Stake-2-Mine allows easy access to the mining process even without in-depth technical knowledge. Users can get started mining without complicated setup or maintenance of hardware. Technological skills are not required.

Cost reduction: Individual miners benefit from Bitcoin Minetrix’s optimized equipment, making high electricity costs and initial expenses for mining equipment a thing of the past.

Spatial flexibility: Since no physical mining equipment is installed at home, the associated problems are eliminated. The cloud mining company handles all of this.

Independence: Users do not have to worry about the rapid loss of value or resale of the mining hardware. Ongoing responsibility for the technological currency and efficiency of the equipment lies with the cloud mining provider.

Ergo, the Stake-2-Mine model offers a user-friendly, resource-efficient and accessible way to participate in cryptocurrency mining. This should make the approach particularly attractive to beginners and those looking for passive participation in crypto mining.

Find out more about Bitcoin Minetrix

Long-term goal: Mass adoption of Bitcoin Minetrix

An ambitious roadmap signals to investors the long-term visions and goals of a crypto project. This should serve as a blueprint for development and progress, thereby strengthening trust and credibility. Investors can estimate the potential for growth and innovation based on concrete milestones. They can also use the roadmap as an indicator of the team’s commitment and expertise.

In Phase 4, the team behind Bitcoin Minetrix is ​​targeting mass adoption. Targeted marketing is intended to increase awareness while fundamentally expanding cloud mining.

“Disrupt and reshape bitcoin cloud mining space” – the demands are big. With a raising capital of around $4 million, these plans seem to be popular with the community.

161% staking return in presale

Offering attractive staking yields of currently 161% APY in presale can be interesting because it gives investors the chance to potentially generate early returns. However, since the return is calculated pro rata to the funds deposited in the pool, the APY will still decrease as participation increases and more BTCMTX are deposited into the pool.

Because over 258 million BTCMTX tokens have already been deposited – and the trend is rising.

Anyone who thinks the concept of cloud mining is exciting or would like to see mining become more decentralized again could take a closer look at Bitcoin Minetrix in November 2023 – knowing that there are always risks associated with crypto presales.

If investors come to a positive risk-reward ratio, they can purchase BTCMTX tokens in less than five minutes via the website with a token swap against ETH/USDT.

Find out more about Bitcoin Minetrix

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