News in video: Queen writes 7-year-old fan's personal answer to letter

The Queen sent a personal answer to a very special fan – in the video you can see what she wrote back to a 7-year-old child.

There is no question that the Queen receives a lot of mail every day – but hardly any of the letter writers would seriously expect that the Queen of England would actually read her letter of identification, let alone answer it. But that was exactly what happened to 7-year-old Timothy Madders from Essex: He received a top-level answer to his letter.

Word puzzle for a better mood

Perhaps his letter attracted attention because Timothy simply wanted to give the Queen a good mood: In a very special search word puzzle, he hid nothing but positive solution words that were simply supposed to put you in a good mood. To this end, he wrote to the Queen in his cleanest handwriting that he believes that she feels alone and sad in the corona isolation and that he would like to please her. This has obviously succeeded: In the video you can see what the Queen replied to his letter.
