News tip Enshrouded Resin: How to collect this resource?

News tip Enshrouded Resin: How to collect this resource?

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In Enshrouded, you will have to collect a lot of resources during your adventure and it is possible that some will cause you more problems. This is for example the case of the resin that we will help you to easily collect in this article.

Resin is an item that is quite easy to find on Enshrouded, at least on paper. You can expect the latter to be present in the trees. SO, you’ve probably already tried to take down a few, but found nothing!

Well, that’s completely normal since if the resin is indeed a tree drop on Enshrouded, This doesn’t mean you’ll get it every time! Every time you cut down a tree, you will have a chance of falling on it, but it is not guaranteed.

However, there is a very simple way to increase your chances of coming across resin. You should know that the drop probabilities of this element will be proportional to the size of the tree. Understand that cutting down dozens of small trees may not give you any resin.

Conversely, concentrate on the largest trees which will allow you to have more. Be careful, we are talking about greater chances of having resin here. It is entirely possible and not so rare that you don’t have any, even if you cut down a large tree!

What is resin used for?

Well now that you know everything about how to collect resin, it shouldn’t be that complicated to find it, even at the start of the game. It is therefore appropriate to see in more detail what you will be able to do with this element.

The first use that you will be able to have is quite simply building a stick by combining 1 bone and two resin units. The latter will then allow you to cast spells, which is very strong, especially at the start of the game.

Another use of resin is to boost the flame of your altar to bring it to level 2. Be careful though, you will still need several other ingredients, but This is still one of the notable uses of resin in the game.

Finally, it may seem stupid, but the main use of resin at the start of the game, it will simply be to be able to craft torches and lamps, to ensure you can see something there, even at night during your adventure.

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