Nina Bott: Photos of her children on the Darknet – that's how she reacted

The moderator Nina Bott was informed that photos of her children are circulating on the Darknet. This is how she reacted afterwards.

Nina Bott (42) has three kids, two of whom are still very young. A few weeks ago she learned that pictures of her children were making the rounds on the Darknet. The actress and presenter was quick to respond and changed her own behavior on social media. Because before that, Bott had shown her children openly on Instagram.

"At the beginning of June, I actually found out from a friend (…) from the press that photos of my children had appeared on pedophile websites in the Darknet," she says in an interview with RTL. Oliver Pocher (42) and his wife Amira (28) had drawn attention to the problem several times and primarily accused celebrities and influencers of contributing to it by "marketing their children".

She pays attention to that now

Bott had previously thought nothing of publishing pictures of her children, she explains: "It's not a sexy outfit or a swimsuit or a hot pose. It's just a perfectly normal child's photo. It can just be the smile, anything can trigger pedophiles. " However, the moderator learned from the incident and shows a more recent Instagram picture as an example. "You just don't see children's faces anymore. You can still see everyday family life."

In the photo, your child's face is covered with a monkey emoji. In other shots, the kids can only be seen from behind. She explains: "Otherwise I would of course have posted this picture without a monkey in front of my face. But now there is no other way. And I think it's perfectly fine. Just play it safe."

Bott also writes about the incident in her new book "I am a dream woman – or what is it called when you are always tired?", Which will be published on October 2nd and in which she reports on her family life.
