Nocturnal rescue – snowshoe hikers got stuck at an altitude of 2500 meters

A night mission by the Tux-Lanersbach mountain rescue service on the top of the wall in the Tux Alps in Tyrol for a Dutch snowshoe hiker ended happily: the uninjured tourist, who was stuck in the rocky, snow-covered terrain, was brought down to the valley by the emergency services from around 2500 meters on deep snow-covered terrain .

The Dutchman set out on an extensive snowshoe hike from Juns in the Tux Valley on Monday morning. His goal was the top of the wall (2614 m). But the hours passed and the fresh snow made the Dutchman more and more troubled. Then there was the falling darkness: around 6 p.m. his situation became too dangerous for the man, he contacted his landlord. The man sought protection in work containers. The Tux-Lanersbach mountain rescue service was alerted via the police in Mayrhofen. “We climbed up from the Bichlalm to the man,” says Stefan Pichlsberger, head of the Tux-Lanersbach mountain rescue service. The emergency services had to fight their way through 50 centimeters of fresh snow. The snowshoe hiker, who increasingly suffered from the temperatures and the wind, had now found a little protection in the work containers of the torrent control. After a little more than an hour’s walk, they reached the uninjured Dutchman. “We secured the man on the rope and dismounted with him,” informs Stefan Pichlsberger. The Dutch and emergency services finally arrived safely in the valley. “It was right that he sounded the alarm,” says the mountain rescuer. “If the man had gone on on his own, it would have ended badly – probably with a fall over the rocks.”
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