NRW has to rewrite: Van Laack is not allowed to deliver masks to the police

NRW has to tender again
Van Laack is not allowed to deliver masks to the police

The van Laack fashion company manufactures everyday masks against the corona virus on a large scale. A collective order for the police in NRW may not be carried out, however, because there is no advertisement for it. Explosively, it was the prime minister's son, of all people, who put the contact.

The award of an order for the production of everyday masks for the North Rhine-Westphalian police to the fashion company van Laack is being reversed and put out to tender. A spokesman for the Düsseldorf Interior Ministry said it was about an order of 1.25 million masks at a price of 1.9 million euros. After the EU-wide re-tendering, it could take until March 2021 for the award to be completed.

The country had already ordered 1.25 million masks for the police from van Laack in Mönchengladbach in the spring. Against the second order placed with the company in autumn, a law firm in the name of a Wuppertal entrepreneur had moved to the Rhineland Public Procurement Chamber. The law firm stated that the rescission and the EU-wide new tender corresponded to its application "with which the illegality of the award was asserted".

Laschet mediation: criticism of the Kittel order

The Mönchengladbach-based company van Laack had received several orders for protective equipment in the wake of the corona pandemic. The order for ten million protective gowns in particular caused debate because it became known that Johannes "Joe" Laschet, the son of North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet, had established contact with the company. In addition to the smocks, the textile company also received two orders from the NRW police for 1.25 million so-called everyday masks made of fabric, one of which is now being reversed.

According to the firm, the entrepreneur was also active in the industry, but not got a chance. The law firm Mösinger Bakes Kollewe complained that there was no regular tendering procedure and that the state had instead invoked urgency. Despite the reversal, the police have enough everyday masks, said a spokesman for the Interior Ministry. There is still a large supply of FFP1 masks. In addition, the masks of the first delivery are so durable that they also lasted 50 washes instead of the assumed 30.

The public procurement tribunal is a court-like body. Upon request, it reviews public procurement procedures whose volumes reach or exceed certain thresholds. According to the law firm, the State Office for Central Police Services announced even before the decision was announced that the order should be reversed.
