Omotenashi: This way of life makes you happier!

This philosophy of life makes you happier!

© fizkes / Shutterstock

Omotenashi is the philosophy by which the Japanese live. Consideration and respect for others play a major role in this. What can we learn from it?

In this country there is often no excuse if you are jostled on the bus. In Japan things are different: There the bus driver himself warns of sharp bends, uneven paths and short vibrations during the entire journey so that everyone is well prepared. So much caution in handling – we are not used to that. But this is common practice with the Japanese. You live there after Omotenashi – a philosophy of life that shapes the coexistence of an entire country. And we can also learn something from it.

Omotenashi: How attentive are you?

Omotenashi is best understood in German Hospitality, service or good treatment translate. In fact, this Japanese principle goes beyond dealing with customers. You will discover the omotenashi principle in Japan among friends and at work. Behind this is the big issue attention.

Omotenashi is based on the question: How attentive do I treat other people? So it’s about a conscious and respectful demeanor. Give something from the heart without expecting anything in return – that is omotenashi, the highest form of attention.

Where does Omotenashi come from?

The origins go back a long way and lie in the traditional one japanese tea ceremony. During this ceremony, there are certain rules in which a host or hostess serves tea and food to guests. The aim here is to offer guests an unforgettable experience. The tea ceremony, also known as the tea ritual, serves to calm down and find relaxation. The host gives full attention to this – the origin of Omotenashi.

Omotenashi: This is how attention is lived in Japan

We already introduced the hard-working Japanese bus driver at the beginning. But there are many other situations in which the principle is revealed. For example this:

  • In Japan it is Tip Not common – or tips are not accepted by waiters and waitresses. The good service does not have to be rewarded.
  • taxi driver open and close the door for you, there is a separate mechanism in the car, so the driver does not have to get out. In fact, it is considered rude to pull the door yourself.
  • Bow in the train station Cleaning staff in front of incoming trains – a friendly greeting to the driver.
  • In many restaurants stand next to the table small basketsthat you can put your own pocket in so that it doesn’t get dirty (it should really be in every country!)
  • the Trains in Japan are extremely punctual, so there should be no inconvenience.
  • Dishes are often extraordinarily beautifully presented, even in cheaper restaurants. Accuracy and details should reflect a sense of respect and effort.
  • Public toilets may for the most part be used free of charge everywhere in Japan, whereby cleanliness and hygiene naturally come first.
  • Come to restaurants waiter not even if they are not called. To draw attention to yourself, there is often even a button on the table. This is to ensure that waitresses and waitresses don’t interrupt a conversation or put pressure on the guest, which is considered impolite.
  • Are you hired in Japan Moving helpers on, they’ll take off their shoes every time they step into your home so as not to get dirty.

These are just a few examples that illustrate the considerate omotenashi principle.

Omotenashi: What we can learn from everyday life

Giving is more important than receiving – Omotenashi reminds us of that. This philosophy of life is based on gratitude and respect for others. The Japanese show these with small gestures. In everyday life we ​​are often so busy with our own thoughts and to-do’s, that we forget precisely these gesturesthat would be so enriching for interpersonal contacts of any kind. And not only relationships benefit from this – but also our own well-being and happiness.

Here are some aspects that we can learn from the Omotenashi principle:

  • Stay alert: Go through everyday life more consciously, greet employees in shops and thank them for good service. Small gestures count!
  • offer help: Do something good, simply because it is the right thing to do. Not because you get something in return.
  • Remain polite: Wrap a no as friendly as possible, because rejections always hurt others.
  • Be careful: Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself, whether at work or when shopping in a store.
  • Respect boundaries: Accept the decisions, behavior and views of others.
  • Let go of the ego: Be the kind person, even if no one else is kind. Preserve your own dignity instead of flinching! This is the only way we can make the world a little better – and friendlier.

Now you know what is hidden behind the Japanese philosophy of life Omotenashi. Every country has its own customs – here you can find out more about Sisu, the Finnish philosophy of life and here you can find out why the Dutch swear by the so-called Niksen.

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