On the Reiteralm – New haircut should inspire people on their World Cup debut

The 21-year-old Christoph Danksagmüller is about to make his World Cup debut. However, the ski crosser had to undergo a team ritual before the races on the Reiteralm.

“The anticipation definitely outweighs it,” says ski crosser Christoph Danksagmüller, hardly nervous before his World Cup premiere on the Reiteralm. “After driving the course twice in training, I have the elements under control.” A new haircut should provide additional inspiration. The ski cross team has a ritual of cutting each debutant a new hairstyle. “It’s tradition. Every rookie has to go through it,” the 21-year-old says with humor. He has to keep his current hairstyle until Sunday, after which he can fix it again. The Mondseer, who starts for SC Salzburg, knows that qualifying will be a difficult undertaking. “If the conditions stay this warm, the slope at start number 50 will no longer be as it was at the beginning. But I will do my best.”Vice Junior World ChampionThanksagmüller has already shown several times what he can do. In March last year he won the silver medal at the Junior World Championships and came second overall in the world rankings in his year. The young athlete wants to build on this: “I know that there is still a lot of room for improvement.” With Pongauer Adam Kappacher (WSV St. Johann), a second Salzburg player is at the start in Styria.
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