Oscar Academy: From 2024, strict diversity rules will apply to "Best Film"

The Oscar Academy lacks diversity – this accusation is not new. It therefore announces far-reaching changes for the year 2024.

For decades, the Oscar Academy has been criticized for its lack of diversity in terms of the films and actors nominated each year. In order to position itself more inclusive in the most important category in the future, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) has now published conditions that are to take effect from 2024 and set out which criteria a work must meet from then on in order to be in the "Best Film "to be nominated.

Four new criteria

There are four points in total, two of which have to be fulfilled in order to have a chance of winning the main prize: "Standard A" includes diversity in the cast or with regard to the subject of the film. Either one of the main characters must belong to a minority (Afro-American, Asians, Latinos, etc.), or 30 percent of the entire cast. Alternatively, the film itself can be about a minority in order to meet "Standard A". Ethnic minorities, women, people with physical disabilities and members of the LGBTQ + community are listed here.

"Standard B" states that at least two heads of a department must belong to a minority. This can range from the position of producer to composer to make-up artist. Either at least six technical positions must be occupied by minorities, or a total of 30 percent of the entire crew.

Apprenticeships and internships

"Standard C" is grouped under the heading "Industry Access and Opportunities". Both of the listed criteria must be met here. On the one hand, film studios must demonstrably guarantee that minorities can enter the film industry through paid apprenticeships or internships in several production areas. On the other hand, they must enable underrepresented sections of the population to carry out further education and other forms of training.

"Standard D" deals with the promotion, marketing and distribution of the film. Several "senior executives" of the film studio must belong to a minority in these areas in order for the criterion to be met.

All other nomination categories are not affected by these changes. For special cases such as animated films or foreign-language films that are suitable for "Best Film", new regulations are to be announced separately. The 93rd edition of the Academy Awards is slated to take place on April 25, 2021. It was postponed due to the corona pandemic. The nominations should be announced on March 15, 2021.
