Otherwise “not defensible”: reservists’ association is pushing for conscription

Otherwise “not defensible”
Reservists Association pushes for conscription

The Bundeswehr wants to have 203,000 soldiers in its ranks by 2031. However, the reservists’ association considers this number to be too low. In order for Germany to be able to defend itself in an emergency, conscription must be reintroduced.

The reservists’ association sees Germany’s ability to defend itself in danger if conscription is not reintroduced. Association President Patrick Sensburg told the “Berliner Zeitung” that he did not consider the target of 203,000 soldiers by 2031 specified by the federal government to be sufficient. “Rather, the planning should be geared towards the number of personnel that is necessary to make Germany fit to defend again. However, without conscription as part of a service obligation, we will not make Germany fit for defence.”

Sensburg had repeatedly described the suspension of compulsory military service as a mistake. Compulsory military service was suspended in 2011 after 55 years under the then CSU Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, which in practice was tantamount to abolishing military and civilian service.

The Bundeswehr currently has around 183,000 men and women in uniform. The declared goal is to reach 203,000 soldiers by 2031. Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has already put a question mark on this older goal. The rising average age of the soldiers is also considered to be a problem, because the number of personnel can sometimes only be maintained by further enlisting temporary soldiers.

Significantly more conscientious objectors

Meanwhile, more and more members of the Bundeswehr are applying for conscientious objection. Since the Russian attack on Ukraine, the number has increased fivefold. This emerges from a response from the federal government to a small inquiry from the Left Group, which was submitted to the digital media company Table.Media. While the Bundeswehr received 142 applications for conscientious objection in 2020 and a total of 209 in 2021, there were 1123 applications last year.

By April 30, 2023, the Bundeswehr had received 672 applications for conscientious objection. Among the applicants in 2022 were 450 unserved, 438 reservists, 226 regular soldiers, eight professional soldiers and one volunteer.

In the case of a partial or general mobilization in the event of tension or defense, all men from the age of 18 up to the age of 59 could be drafted. Anyone who refuses military service can be ordered to do civilian service for an unlimited period of time.

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