Our best recipes for barbecue chicken and turkey skewers: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

With the arrival of good weather, we bring out the barbecue. Among all the meats offered, poultry is an excellent choice. Rather inexpensive, it also has the advantage of pleasing the greatest number of people and of being perfectly suitable for the preparation of skewers. Classic, with just a few herbs, marinated in a mixture of spices and oil, in a sweet/savory version, or with vegetables, the choice is wide. Follow all our recipe ideas. You will be able to enjoy it all summer long!

Classic poultry skewers

Above all, it’s about choosing the right ingredients. To make good chicken or turkey skewers, it is best toopt for fairly thick fillets, which will turn out to be very tender at the tasting. It will then be enough to cut them into large cubes before assembling the skewers. Tradition is good! For lovers of great classics, simply prepare chicken breast skewers that you season with herbs (basil, rosemary, sage), a little salt, pepper and oil. The best is still to marinate your chicken or turkey cubes before putting them on skewers to enhance their flavors. There are many recipes: you can simply macerate diced chicken or turkey in a mixture of oil, lemon juice and thyme. Another option, prepare a marinade made from candied tomatoes and chopped fresh tomatoes seasoned with garlic and balsamic vinegar.

Also, do not hesitate to alternate pieces of poultry with vegetables. Zucchini slices, cherry tomatoes, peppers, so many vegetables with sunny flavors, which will also bring a little color to your skewers!

Exotic flavors

Do you like sweet/salty combinations? That’s good, chicken and turkey go particularly well with it.

For Mediterranean skewers, opt for one citrus marinade (orange, lemon) that you mix with fresh herbs, a touch of honey and olive oil, as in this recipe for Chicken Skewers with Honey and Fresh Herbs. And if you want to take your taste buds on a journey, think about Asian marinades : macerate your chicken cubes in a mixture of honey, garlic, thyme and soy sauce or why not, in coconut milk seasoned with curry and turmeric.

Still on the side of sweet/salty flavors, also think about insert pieces of peaches, apricots or plum between the poultry cubes.

Good news, these marinades are also very suitable if you want to cook drumsticks or roast chicken on the barbecue grill!

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