Overwatch 2 Patch Note: Mei is back, with many changes

This Thursday, November 17, 2022, Blizzard deployed a very important update for Overwatch 2 in the evening. This notably allows the great return of Mei to the list of heroes and heroines available in game, but also the integration of the program entitled “Defensive Matrix”, in addition to many changes, including “up”, “nerves” and other bug fixes of all kinds!

Overwatch 2 Update: Important November 17, 2022 Patch Note

Before attacking the changes made to certain heroes, it is important to mention that a vast amount of bugs have been fixed. In addition, the developers took advantage of this important update to remind you that the legendary skins of Overwatch League Tournament Champions have been reworked and are now available for a limited time in exchange for Overwatch League Tokens.

Competitive games and association system

The development team continues to work on improving the matchmaking system and is already planning major changes to it when Season 2 rolls out. been improved for each of the available roles.

defensive matrix

The program called “Defensive Matrix” has been deployed in some countries. It allows, to put it simply, Blizzard to automatically transcribe in writing the audio conversations that a player who has been reported has had. These recordings are not listened to by anyone at Blizzard, and the Defensive Matrix only forwards the file to the developers if a disruptive player has been reported. It is then transcribed in writing automatically, then deleted. Blizzard therefore encourages players to actively report in-game disruptors, whether in team, public, or in-game chat to maximize the effectiveness of this system.

Here is the full list of bugs fixed, followed by all the changes and fixes applied to heroes and heroines:


  • PC Only – Audio Mix now defaults to “Studio Reference”.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some players to become stuck at Bronze Rank 5, even after several rank updates.
  • Consoles Only – Fixed an issue that applied the PC UI to some console players.
  • Consoles Only – Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the game to freeze after opening and closing a character cutscene.
  • Consoles Only – Fixed an issue where the “Highlight Capture” hotkey could not be removed from the left button.
  • Fixed several issues with leaderboard order and placement.
  • Players being healed will no longer see the healing effect appear on their screen once their max HP has been reached.
  • Fixed an issue where players were sometimes placed in empty parts.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from rejoining a competitive game after disconnecting.
  • Fixed an issue where writing in chat would sometimes trigger an item purchase in the character gallery.
  • The “Nameless card” option in the business cards interface is now selectable.
  • Fixed a display issue that showed the incorrect amount of Overwatch League Tokens, which prevented item purchases. The game now shows the correct number of tokens owned.
  • The “Avoid as Teammate” button is no longer hidden by the “Recent Players” list.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented tracking and completing the “Hypermetropic” challenge.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented tracking and completing the “Damage Magnet” challenge.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the game screen to appear blurry.
  • Fixed an issue where some players did not have the Black Widowmaker skin.
  • Several visual improvements have been made to the first user experience.
  • Fixed in the latest update: Training bots now correctly spawn through walls when playing as a healer character.


  • Fixed several areas of the map that were sometimes causing performance issues.

heroes and heroines


The audio team made a change to the sound of Angel’s glide in first person to avoid frequencies that some players found unpleasant.


Fixed an issue where Dynamic Shield was losing HP in certain situations.


Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Brigitte’s shield to become invulnerable.


Cassidy now properly drops the flag while Rolling in Capture the Flag mode.


Steel Trap activation time increased from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds.

Duration the victim is trapped by Steel Trap reduced from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds.


Fixed in the last update: the Shockwave ability could be interrupted prematurely when obstructed.

Fixed in the last update: it was possible to jump during Shockwave.


Fusion Cannon dispersion increased from 3.5 to 3.75.

Turbojet impact damage reduced from 25 to 15.

Call Mech cost reduced by 12%.


Shuriken max ammo reduced from 30 to 24.

Shuriken damage reduced from 29 to 27.

Fixed an issue with the Genji Mythic model’s collision mask.

Fixed in the last update: it was possible to obtain infinite Dragonblades in custom games.


Fixed in the last update: jumping or climbing a wall no longer breaks destructible objects.


Swift Step invulnerability duration reduced from 0.4 seconds to 0.25 seconds.

Fixed an issue that allowed Kiriko to get out of bounds with Swift Step.


Mei is back in the game.

Fixed several issues with Mei’s Ice Wall where projectiles and characters could slide off the wall or pass through it.

Queen of the Junkers

The Junker Queen now correctly drops the flag during Command Shout and Slaughter in Capture the Flag mode.


Fixed in the last update: Reinhardt’s melee hit was not triggering a hammer strike.


Sojourn can no longer pick up the flag during a tackle in Capture the Flag mode.


Hacking: Ability lock duration reduced from 1.75 to 1.5 seconds.

Hacking: Hacked opponents are no longer valid hack targets for the 8 seconds of the effect.

Hacking: Damage multiplier for hacked opponents reduced from 40% to 25%.

Fixed in the last update: IEM can no longer benefit from a damage bonus.


Particle Screen duration reduced from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds.

Particle Screen cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 11 seconds.

Reduced Duration of Generated Screen from 2.5 to 2 seconds.

Generated Screen cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 11 seconds.


Fixed in the last update: Torbjörn’s melee hit was not triggering a hammer blow.

Before his reveal, we got to chat about Ramattra with the Overwatch 2 developers and learn a lot more about his two forms and his relationship with Zenyatta.

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