Pain when coughing – causes and tips

Pain when coughing is extremely uncomfortable, but mostly harmless. Read here what you can do about the pain and when a doctor's visit is necessary.

Pain when coughing is not a disease, but can appear as a symptom of a wide variety of diseases. You can find out here why the cough can be painful and which diseases can cause the pain when coughing.

Rib pain when coughing

Coughing is a real show of strength for our body, the muscles work at full speed.The result: pain when coughing. The pressure on the larynx and respiratory muscles, the tension in the back and abdominal muscles and the stressed diaphragm strain the body very much. Constant coughing can even make your muscles feel sore. This overuse manifests itself in the form of rib pain and chest pain.

Pain when coughing: what causes the cough?

To relieve the pain of coughing, the first thing you should do is find out what condition is causing your cough. Because only the correct diagnosis can initiate a promising treatment of your complaints.

  • The most common cause of coughing, and therefore pain when coughing, is quite common cold. It manifests itself either dry or in the form of wet coughing fits with thick mucus.
  • Likewise one bronchitis triggers unpleasant coughing fits. It is one of the most common respiratory diseases. The bronchial mucosa, the mucous membrane that lines the bronchi, is inflamed. First of all, bronchitis manifests itself in a dry, irritating cough; as the bronchi become inflamed, the mucous membrane produces excessive secretions from viscous mucus that is coughed up.
  • A lung infection (Pneumonia) can also trigger pain when coughing. The inflammation is triggered by bacteria such as pneumococci and usually occurs in winter. The excruciating cough associated with pneumonia is often accompanied by rust-brown, yellow-greenish and thick sputum.
  • If the mucous membranes of the larynx are inflamed, one speaks of one Laryngitis. Typical symptoms of laryngitis are hoarseness, a dry feeling in the throat, and coughing fits.
  • Early stage lung cancer usually does not cause any symptoms. Only when the tumor has grown sufficiently in the lungs does it show itself Lung cancer with complaints such as throat irritation, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness and sputum.

Pain when coughing: other causes

But painful coughing does not always have to go hand in hand with a disease of the respiratory tract. Although respiratory illnesses such as a cold, bronchitis and pneumonia are among the most obvious causes, chest pain and rib pain when coughing can also be caused by numerous other disorders. A doctor should definitely be asked for advice here.

  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Diseases of the pancreas
  • pleurisy
  • Heart attack
  • heartburn
  • Bruising of the ribs
  • Fracture of the ribs

Pain when coughing: what to do

You should definitely clarify the causes of your cough and what exactly is causing the pain with a doctor. If a respiratory disease is responsible for your throat irritation, the following tips and tricks promise relief.

  • A tried and tested home remedy for painful coughs, such as bronchitis, is Ivy extract. The natural active ingredients relax the muscles, relieve the diaphragm and help to loosen the mucus. Taken as drops, juice or tea, the medicinal plant is good for you.
  • Inhaling hot steam with salt or essential oils is beneficial for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and laryngitis. The steam moisturizes the mucous membranes, supports the mucus solution and coughing up is then less strenuous for your body. But be careful: If you get breathlessness, stop inhaling immediately.
  • A warm bath can work wonders for rib pain. The well-tempered water relaxes the muscles and gives you new strength.
  • Have proven themselves herbal cough suppressants like Iceland moss or ribwort. As Lozenges taken they wet the cough receptors of the throat, thus reducing the urge to cough, relieve the bronchial tubes and help with bronchitis, laryngitis and pneumonia. By the way, you can find other home remedies for coughs here.
  • Of course you can also use these home remedies Medication To fall back on. Depending on the type of cough and in consultation with your doctor, you can take cough suppressants or expectorants.

Not only dry, irritating cough, strong cough and whooping cough are annoying. Chills and a runny nose also weaken the mind very much. We have the best tips.

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Video tip: Quick help! Home remedies for a sore throat