Parenting mistakes: 3 things parents do to turn their children into narcissists

parenting mistakes
Three parenting mistakes that parents often make their children into narcissists

Parenting mistakes: Sometimes the best intentions lead to children who are unfavorably shaped by their parents.

No one wants to raise their child to be a selfish adult, but sadly, that’s what often happens when parents make one of these mistakes.

Sad but true: every narcissistic adult was long ago a child whose personality has taken on toxic traits over the course of life. This imprinting often happens through one’s own parents, and in most cases completely unintentionally.

Parenting mistakes: This is how children often become narcissists

Sure, there are parents who have such a narcissistic personality themselves that they don’t give a damn what they set an example for their children and how it can influence them in their future lives. But there are also countless parents who mean well and only want to give their offspring the best they can – and yet unknowingly contribute to personality traits that can make things difficult for the child and those around them later. In the video you can see what you should keep an eye on.

Sources used: Psychology Today,

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