Paris: a man indicted and imprisoned, accused of having attacked migrants with a saber

Suspected of having stabbed at least two migrants in a camp on December 8, a man has just been indicted and imprisoned on Tuesday, December 1. A voluntary homicide investigation had been opened.

A man suspected of having stabbed at least two migrants in a camp in Paris in December has been indicted, in particular for “racist violence”, and imprisoned, we learned on Tuesday from a source. judicial, confirming information from the Canard enchaîné.

As a reminder, the facts took place on Wednesday, December 8, around 8 a.m., when a man armed with a saber infiltrated a Parisian camp located in the Parc de Bercy (12th). The camp, which had been set up for a few months, was then composed mainly of people from Africa.

“Death to migrants, fed up with foreigners!”

Dealing several blade blows in the tents while shouting, “Death to migrants, fed up with foreigners!”, the attacker quickly comes to fight with several migrants, including two exiles. Two men of Sudanese origin who then end up in the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, without anyone knowing the results of this attack.

Four people, migrants present at the time of the events and who had hit the aggressor to disarm him, were placed under the intermediate status of assisted witness, indicated the judicial source. The investigating judge of the Paris court in charge of this investigation must determine whether they acted to protect themselves and whether they can benefit from self-defense.

Nearly two months later, the man was finally remanded in custody, the source added. According to the Chained Duck, he would be about sixty years old and would have lacerated the tents.

According to Ian Brossat, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of the reception of refugees, it was indeed a “racist attack since the man would have pronounced at the time of the assault: “It is fed up strangers !”. The deputy mayor of Paris in charge of emergency accommodation had also added later on his Twitter account: “This is where the trivialization of racist speech leads”.

Symbolic of the vulnerability of migrants

Earlier this week, the newspaper Liberation published a column signed by several migrant aid associations. In it, one could read a claim to the town hall of Paris in order to “urgently shelter this population forced to survive in unworthy conditions and of great vulnerability.”

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