Personality: 10 mistakes you have to make as a woman

Hold on to friendships that suck you out

The friend who only calls you when she's feeling bad. The other one who talks and talks – we probably all have such people in our circle of friends. But why should you cultivate friendships that are not good for you? Only when you distance yourself will you realize how much strength such people are consuming.

Store clothes that have long been too tight

So if I lost five kilos in the summer, the dress fits perfectly again. Sure, so it makes sense that it stays in the closet. But what happens when summer comes but the dress still doesn't fit? We know that. These clothes are not motivation, but a bad conscience on hangers. Look at these things, throw them out and buy new ones that make you look like a goddess.

Extend the disposition

It's okay if the desire for something new goes beyond our financial framework. However, we also know that the joy of new things only lasts long with favorite pieces. We now know: Better to buy less.

Love an unreachable man

There are men where everything fits. The attraction, the humor, the understanding for each other. Only one thing bothers: it is forgiven. Or always a meter too far away from us. We have to have experienced exactly this love, the longing, the hurts, the back and forth to know that such a relationship does not fill the heart. And then move on.

Get drunk at the Christmas party

One is still going, right? Of course, after all, you have to be disciplined in your job all year round. However, anyone who has discussed the most beautiful sex scenes from films with Jan from Marketing remembers that it doesn't feel so good at the next meeting anymore. Just see this mistake as a lesson.

The chocolate frustration meal

You shouldn't make this mistake just once, but in the most regular way. Because chocolate can mutate into a best friend in small crises. However, the joy is always a short one. If only the learning curve wasn't so flat at this point …

Buy trendy clothes that don't fit you

Box-shaped coats, large patterned scarves, colorful sneakers. Not every trend fits the personality. Unfortunately, we only know that when we have spent too much money on the wrong clothes.

Start a dispute over a nullity

But I'm getting excited! Did you ever say that sentence? And – what did it do? You probably got rid of your frustration, but the problem was still there afterwards. You have to experience that anger creates counter-anger so that you are more lenient in the future.

Don't address conflicts

Answering conflicts with anger is useless (see above). Everyone knows that they don't dissolve if you swallow them. In this case, they only riot in the stomach, and the relationship still suffers. It's better to address your anger. In a way that leaves room for everyone.

Break a heart

Only those who have ever rejected a person can guess how much responsibility there is in love.