PHOTOS. Brigitte Macron, elegant in Germany, gives a “young man” to her square thanks to this type of wave

The state visit of the presidential couple takes place at the Moritzburg Castle. Very elegant, Brigitte Macron reveals a generous attempt to put in value her square cut.

During their visit to Germany since Sunday, Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron have repeated the diplomatic meetings. This Monday, May 27, the presidential couple was invited to a breakfast with the young people from the Franco-German office for the young people at the Moritzburg Castle, alongside Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, his wife Elke Büdenbender, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and his wife Annett Hofmann.

After having caused a sensation at the state dinner at the Château de Bellevue, organized in the evening, Brigitte Macron portrayed herself here in a beige ensemble with a beautiful buttoned jacket. A chic and elegant look that combines with a casual hairstyle. To put her square cut into value, the first lady made the choice to create particularly beautiful wave shapes. A technique that allows you to make a square cut and bring a “radiant” effect on the facee.

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Partial curls, Brigitte Macron’s dramatic hairstyle

To put his square cut in value, it is worth noting that Brigitte Macron has the habit of curling her hair at work only the highlights that surround his face. A technique that allows you to give your hair a slightly less bouncy side, but also to create a light “young person’s look” effect. In effect, the movement of these muscles is directed towards the exterior, creating a lifting effect that combines the value of its features.

The curls are worked to add value to the look, the fringes and the brow, like a contouring. A very simple hairstyle to create with a braid, which allows you to quickly create a more sophisticated side with a square cut. For a natural effect, the waves should be quite flat. The ideal? They are made with a large embossed ribbon, leaving the last few centimeters of the lash length.

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Brigitte Macron: the secrets of her enchanting square cut

The way she curls her hair is not the only thing that the First Lady likes to do to give a “young lady” effect to her square cut. Sat french curtainswhich looks at him without touching his face, brings great softness to his face by camouflaging the rides on the front and tail. The length of his cut, at the height of the clavicles, creates a completely long effect while enhancing the oval of his face. In reverse, a shorter square cut gave him a tendency to give a “mémerisant” side to his look, and to put the accent on the rides and the little folds of the cow.

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The coloring of the First Lady, often bright and contrasting, allows you to add shine to your complexion while adding value to your hairstyle. Brigitte Macron has the habit of wearing a cold blonde with a few honey highlights. A shade that adds value to her blue eyes and her tanned complexion.

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