Pinocchio: Ewan McGregor lends his voice to Jiminy Grille

Ewan McGregor (49) seems to have enjoyed lending his voice to Disney characters. After he had already set the Lumière candlestick in the real film version of "Beauty and the Beast", he will also be heard in Guillermo del Toro's new version of "Pinocchio" – at least in the original version. According to "ACE Universe Presents" he will speak to the cute grasshopper Jiminy Grille, who symbolizes the conscience of the title character.

McGregor had already spoken out his dialogues, he revealed during the virtual "question and answer" round. Since the reinterpretation of "Pinocchio" is an animated film using the stop-motion process, it will be a long time before the film comes onto the screen. But then maybe with a McGregor vocal: "A song may have to be recorded. I'm not sure I have the authority to speak about it."

Song received Oscar

For the first time, the story about a wooden doll that comes to life was adapted by Disney in 1940. In it, Jiminy Grille (Cliff Edwards) singed the song "When You Wish Upon a Star", which won an Oscar in the "Best Song" category. The footsteps of the little grasshopper may well be described as large. Cinema-goers are to find out in 2021 whether he can fill them out. There is no exact release date for "Pinocchio" yet.