Pizza casserole: lightning-fast soul food for after work

Pizza casserole
Lightning-fast soul food for after work

You can find out how to conjure up this delicious pizza casserole from the oven in the video

Finally it’s time for work – and you’re hungry, but you’re not keen on cooking? No problem with this lightning-fast pizza casserole recipe.

Especially if the day was stressful and full of small (or larger) challenges, we should treat ourselves to real soul food every now and then. But the decision is often difficult because the selection of delicious ear comforters is large.

Pizza casserole: If you’re going to treat yourself, do it right!

Often the final decision is between pizza or casserole. Both quick to make (or ordered!) and both delicious! But why not enjoy pizza and casserole together – with the same amount of work? In the video you will find out the recipe for this culinary mashup.


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