"Dirty", "traumatized", This is how Manon *, a 32 year old pornographic actress feels. One more voice against violence in the middle of the X. On September 10, 2020, "20 Minutes" revealed that the so-called "amateur" porn site Jacquie et Michel was the subject of an investigation by the Paris prosecutor's office, following a complaint filed July 10. The site is accused by several actresses, supported by the associations Dare feminism, the Effronté-es and the Nid movement, of "abnormal and painful sexual practices when they were not consenting." The ongoing investigation aimed at clarifying the conditions under which the pornographic scenes are filmed for the very popular (and lucrative) website.
Over the course of our interview, Manon gives us sordid anecdotes about an X director whose name she prefers to keep silent. According to her, the man uses his position of power to dictate his law, without the producer finding anything wrong. He imposes, for example, his dog even in the bed where he invites the young woman to join him, despite the essential hygiene rules in this type of production. And if he offers Manon to come and sleep with him, it is because she simply does not have a room during the filming. Faced with his degrading treatment, Manon rebels. She will be "punished" for that: at the time of the last scene of the day, the director, without warning him, takes the place of the main actor and performs a facial ejaculation on her.
The message that the young woman wants to convey today? Porn actress is above all a profession, not a moment between people who just want to have fun, and rules must be scrupulously respected.
A #metoo of porn?
If the floor is free, according to Manon, there is still a lot to do. Indeed, testimonies are pouring in, the media are seizing the scandal and one could almost have the feeling that a #metoo of a porn is being prepared … But what would be the concrete effects? The evidence is very difficult to provide, deplores Manon. Not to mention the fact that justice still has trouble recognizing and judging sexual assault. The actress also evokes "new head hunters" and the fact that very young girls often dare not say anything, for fear of being "burned" in the porn industry. The producers of certain films then profit from this state of affairs. As for broadcasting platforms like "Jacquie et Michel", Manon explains that they are playing the ostrich, arguing: "Oh, no, we didn't know." Except that if,"very often they know it", she specifies.
However, the actress would like to point out that she shot for other productions than that of her debut and that everything went very well. "They are 'clean' and they thank me for wanting to do this cleaning, because they (Editor's note: the aggressors) darken the image of French porn ", declares the 30-something. Like all spheres of society, it exists in the X "pigs" and caring people, she believes, and the industry would not be more affected than others. What is most important for Manon today? Further amplify the voices of victims, so that the violence can finally end.
* The first name has been changed.