Presidential: if Christiane Taubira is a candidate, Anne Hidalgo will not withdraw


LEFT – The Socialist said on Thursday that if Christiane Taubira declared herself a candidate for the presidential election in mid-January she would not withdraw. “It’s an additional candidacy,” Anne Hidalgo said on BFMTV.

Will Christiane Taubira’s possible candidacy have the opposite effect to that expected? While the former minister must say in mid-January if she will be a candidate, Anne Hidalgo warned this Thursday on BFMTV that she would not withdraw if she chose to go. Asked if she would step down if the former Minister of Justice launched, the Socialist replied: “Absolutely no, it’s an additional candidacy. As far as I’m concerned, I am proposing a primary from the left.” “The people want it, it’s the best way to choose”, argued the mayor of Paris, credited between 3 and 7% of voting intentions in the polls.

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Presidential election 2022

“When the left is not united it cannot govern”, continued Anne Hidalgo, to whom he did not “not escaped” that his proposal had met little success among his opponents on the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot and Fabien Roussel having rejected it. Corn “I am the head of a majority, of an executive, where I see that when the left is united – it is not easy – (…) it is moving forward”, added the mayor of Paris, allied to environmentalists and communists in his city.

Impose the ideas of the left in the debate

According to her, the left must come together and unite to weigh in the debate and impose its subjects. She regrets that “the whole political debate is organized around two right-wing candidates and two far-right candidates with the themes that are theirs” and “that questions such as the wages of French women and men, work, school, the place of the hospital, ecology are not dealt with”.

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On LCI, rebellious deputy Eric Coquerel called on Christiane Taubira to join Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “I think Christiane Taubira was convinced that she was the only solution and therefore she came without a program, without a project. We can see that this is not how we can bring people together. . So I am speaking to her: if she wants a humanist candidate, for the sharing of working time, for the 6th Republic to be in the second round, she would do well to support Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “

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