Preview: “The Ranger – Paradise Home” in the first

“The Ranger – Paradise Home” in the first

“Der Ranger – Paradies Heimat: Himmelhoch”: Jonas Waldek (Philipp Danne) and Emilia Graf (Liza Tzschirner) watch in horror as Laura almost falls.

© MDR/ndF/Uwe Frauendorf

The nearly fatal fall of a young woman shocks the “Ranger” (Das Erste). On ProSieben, the “X-Men” face the overpowering opponent “Apocalypse”. In the “Murmel Mania” (RTL) celebrities play for a good cause for 50,000 euros.

8:15 p.m., The First, The Ranger – Paradise Homeland: Sky High, Drama

In order to ensure the continued existence of the silver fir trees, which are threatened by deforestation, ranger Jonas (Philipp Danne) has hired the two cone pickers Florian (Philip Birnstiel) and Laura (Giulia Goldammer). For the young couple it should be the last job before emigrating to Canada. When Laura suddenly can no longer hold herself at a dizzying height, only the safety rope slows her down from a fatal fall. An examination brings a startling diagnosis.

8:15 p.m., ProSieben, X-Men – Apocalypse, fantasy film

He was once worshiped as a god – Apocalpyse, the world’s first and most powerful mutant. Contrary to his imagination, when he wakes from his sleep after thousands of years, he finds a world ruled by humans. To change that, he gathers a group of powerful mutants. Against this threat, Professor X (James McAvoy) enters a battle over the fate of mankind.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, the prosecutor: death of a broker, thriller

A young real estate agent is violently taken from his life. Has he messed with the wrong people professionally? At the scene of the crime, senior public prosecutor Reuther (Rainer Hunold), chief inspector Klar (Fiona Coors) and chief inspector Fischer (Max Hemmersdorfer) learn that Marko Odeland (Elias Reichert) broke down with the prospect Tina Haller (Miriam Schiweck) shortly after viewing an apartment. for dr Engel everything points to poisoning.

8:15 p.m., RTL, Murmel Mania, Show

Moderator Chris Tall lets motivated celebrities compete against each other in exciting marble races and tricky games of skill – Frank “Buschi” Buschmann comments on the competitions. There is a lot at stake: the winners of the first three shows move into the finals and the season winner can earn up to 145,000 euros for a good cause.

8:15 p.m., RTLzwei, The Expendables 3, Action

Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) and his team are faced with a problem: The troupe is supposed to prevent a gun deal. But then it turns out that the arms supplier is the Expendables co-founder Conrad Stonebanks (Mel Gibson), who was presumed dead. And he decides without further ado to have Ross and his crew killed. Ross has no choice but to preempt Stonebanks and rounds up a group of badass guys. Together with some younger ones as reinforcements, he heralds a new era of the Expendables.


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