Prince Charles: He’s getting a wrinkle-free gift

Prince Charles
He gets a gift against wrinkles

Prince Charles is passionate about the environment.

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While visiting an agricultural education center, Prince Charles received an unusual gift: anti-wrinkle cream.

Prince Charles (72) and Duchess Camilla (73) attended the opening of an agricultural education center. They also met two beekeepers who offered the royals their anti-wrinkle cream with honey.

The two beekeepers, a mother-daughter team, first gave the cream to Prince Charles, who passed it on to his wife. “He said he’ll try it and share it with his other half and let us know if it works,” they later said loudly “Express”. The mother also joked that the product worked really well – in fact, she was 150 years old.

Although they were dying to see the bees, Charles and Camilla were not allowed to look at the insects. The beekeepers warned that the animals behaved unpredictably that day and could sting. Then Prince Charles immediately distanced himself more: He did not want to be stung, especially not in front of the camera.
