Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: First major public trip since moving

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
First major public trip since moving

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan in front of the One World Trade Center, which houses the One World Observatory.

© getty / Tayfun Coskun / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have arrived in New York City. There is a lot on the program for the first big trip since moving.

Prince Harry (37) and Duchess Meghan (40) ushered in their three-day stay in New York City with a visit to the observation deck of the One World Observatory. It’s her first major public trip since moving from Harry’s home of England to Meghan’s home of California in March 2020.

The celebrity couple appear in front of the building Thursday morning, local time, and were then driven to the observation deck of the One World Trade Center skyscraper, located between the 100th and 102nd floors. There they met New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (60) and New York Governor Kathy Hochul (63), who arrived a few minutes before them.

De Blasio showed some scenes from the meeting in his Instagram stories and in a live stream. He indicated that the couple wanted to pay tribute to the victims of September 11, 2001 with this trip. He titled the video with the words: “The tragedy of September 11th touched the whole world and is still felt today.”

Harry and Meghan in dark business clothes

For this appearance, Duchess Meghan chose an elegant dark blue outfit with a jacket, turtleneck sweater, wide-cut trousers and high heels. She had pinned her hair up in a bun. She also wore pearl earrings and subtle make-up. Prince Harry wore a matching dark suit and tie.

The couple was photographed wearing black face masks as they entered One World Trade Center. For the photos, they took off the mouth and nose protection and then put them back on. The Briton and the American also posed for photos in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the observation deck, which offered an impressive view of New York and New Jersey.

One World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower, opened in 2014 after the World Trade Center’s original twin towers were destroyed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On to the memorial and the Global Citizen live concert

Harry and Meghan will according to “Mail Online” also visit the memorial for the terrorist attacks. The two large sunken water basins were built on the plans of the original twin towers. The black stone basins are labeled with the names of the 2977 people murdered in New York, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania.

The Duke couple’s itinerary also includes a visit to the Global Citizen Live Concert in Central Park on Saturday. Artists like Coldplay (since 1996), US rapper Lizzo (33) and Jennifer Lopez (52) will perform on the large lawn in Manhattan. Harry, Meghan and other dignitaries attend the concert to raise awareness of Global Citizen’s call for the G7 group of countries and the EU to distribute at least one billion doses of the corona vaccines to developing countries. The music event will be part of a 24-hour broadcast from cities around the world.


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