Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: Your bodyguards are former special forces

Former members of the British special unit Special Air Service (SAS) are said to protect Prince Harry (35) and Duchess Meghan (38, "Suits") as bodyguards after the "Megxit" on April 1. The British tabloid "The Sun" claims to have found out.

Two bodyguards companies have therefore compiled lists for the two, from which the young Royals are said to have selected forces. The bodyguards are said to have worked for Brad Pitt (56), Angelina Jolie (44), Madonna (61) and Nicole Kidman (52), among others. In an emergency, however, Prince Harry would not be helpless either. He served himself.

Who is supposed to pay for it all?

The whole thing is "not cheap", as an insider is said to have revealed. One of the bodyguards could cost up to the equivalent of 450 euros a day, "which will quickly add up if you hire a team around the clock." The bill would amount to "many thousands of pounds". How many bodyguards work for them at a time will depend on whether they are in their new home in Los Angeles, traveling or in public.

The whole thing is financed from the young royals' own pocket. Some time ago, it had been confirmed from Kensington Palace that Harry and Meghan should take care of their bodyguards themselves. A spokesman for media reports has just confirmed that the US will not be contacted either: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are not planning to ask the US government for funds to protect them. Privately funded security measures have been taken. "