Prince William: this intimate gesture from Meghan Markle during their first meeting that scared him

In his memoirs, Prince Harry looks back on the first meeting between Meghan Markle and Prince William, which did not go as planned.

  • In Spare, Prince Harry looks back on very intimate memories
  • He notably evokes the first meeting between Meghan Markle and Prince William
  • The former actress would then have made a very intimate gesture that would have confused the husband of Kate Middleton

In his memoirs, Prince Harry gives very intimate details. He returns in particular to the first meeting between his older brother and his wife, Meghan Markle. And it looks like that first date didn’t go as planned. Indeed, the former actress “leaned over” towards him “and gave him a kiss”. A misstep that has “totally freaked out” lhe eldest son of King Charles III, who was then not used to a stranger kissing him. Kate Middleton’s husband would then have taken a step back since he “didn’t kiss often”. “Completely the opposite”. “It was a characteristic moment of a collision between two cultures, like with ‘flashlight’ and ‘torch’, which seemed to me both funny and charming”, says the Duke of Sussex.

If he begins by taking it with a laugh, Prince Harry subsequently asked himself several questions. “Perhaps Willy was expecting Meg to curtsy? That’s what protocol demands when meeting a member of the royal family for the first time, but she didn’t know, and I didn’t warn her.” It must be said that Prince Harry had not really given instructions to his wife. He had him “simply said” that they “passed by to see Willy, who loved Suits”. If this show of affection somewhat shocked Prince William, he “got over it” and even has “exchanged some warm words with Meg”.

The two brothers, so close before

Now very far from each other, the two brothers no longer have the same relationship. Nevertheless, Prince Harry became aware something important when he became a dad. “Now, well, the gap between me and William is very similar to Archie and Lili. To see Lili obsessed with Archie and Archie like ‘No, no Lili, I need my space, I need my space’, now I get it. I get how irritating the younger brother can be to the older brother. But at the time, at the time, I didn’t really understand that, I didn’t really care realised, but yes, I always loved my brother”.

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