Psychology: 10 sentences from a psychotherapy that will change your life

Anyone who has ever been to a psychotherapist knows that these conversations can change your life. Here ten people reveal which sentences from therapists have particularly helped them.

Psychotherapists help us to get to the bottom of our soul. What is it that really moves us? What are we suffering from? What has to happen so that we finally feel better?

Anyone who has ever spoken to a psychotherapist knows how much the insights from such conversations can change our lives. In this post collection of BuzzFeedhave revealed to women and men the sentences with which their psychotherapists have completely changed their lives.

These ten sentences are particularly powerful:

1. Self-esteem in relationships

“I recently spoke to my therapist about my self-esteem in relationships. She asked me what qualities of myself I think make me attractive to other people. I called things like ‘generous, good listener, empathetic’. She replied: ‘You only mention things you can give to someone, ways you can serve another person. But it’s about how YOU are, what makes YOU adorable!‘. This realization totally overwhelmed me. All this time I have only focused on how I can do good for others in order to be loved and valued for it. I should be loved for who I am as a person and not just for what I do for others. For example creative, passionate, intelligent or funny! ”

2. Disappointments in friendships

“My therapist told me today that it is perfectly fine to tell friends what needs I have in a friendship. He said I shouldn’t be afraid to show who I really am and what I need to be fine. Whoever holds back what is really important to him will always feel bad and suffer from the fact that he does not get what he needs from the people he loves and by whom he is loved. “

3. Be proud of your own path

“I had the last session with my therapist at the weekend. I told her that I was proud of my development, but I wish I had known all of this earlier. She said: ‘Be proud of that woman in the past who managed to make this trip!‘”

4. Think about yourself

“My therapist gave me a really good tip today. He said that if I have people in my life who constantly expect me to adapt my plans to their needs, I should say to these people in the future: ‘That is the plan! I am happy if you can do it. And then just do what I have planned. It doesn’t matter whether they manage it or not. For someone like me, who just makes sure to please everyone instead of doing what’s important to me, that was really a groundbreaking thought. “

5. Be nice to yourself

“The other day in therapy I said a lot of mean, judgmental things about myself. The therapist looked at me and said: ‘If one of your friends were to talk about you like that, what would you say to her?‘And I like:’ I would tell him: her, he: she should be nicer to me! ‘ Yes! Just as!”

6. Judge less

“A while ago my therapist asked me what I think was going to happen if I stopped judging myself. And instead just do what is good for me. Really true – it works! “

7. Break through fear positively

“My therapist advised me to interrupt my fearful thoughts with positive thoughts, such as, ‘What if this thing worked?’ or ‘What if all of my hard work was really worth it?‘I’d like to pass that on to all of you out there, wherever you are, whatever you’re leaving behind or whatever path you’re on. “

8. It is enough to be curious

“My therapist told me something today that will change my life. He said, ‘You don’t have to look to the future with hope. It is enough if you are just curious about what is to come.‘I have no words to describe how much this sentence opened my eyes. “

9. Make it easier for yourself

“I told my therapist that I just don’t have enough energy in the morning to make myself a sandwich or cook something. So I leave it. And she says: ‘Why don’t you eat the components of your sandwich individually? You can just eat a handful of cheese and some cold cuts. Then you don’t need to make a sandwich. ‘ I was really flabbergasted. “

10. View relationships like a silent movie

“I got a really cool tip from my therapist today. He said I should look at my relationships like a silent movie.”If there are no words to solve the problem, how do the actions work? Do you agree with your words? Think the words away and take a look. ‘”


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