Psychology: 3 sentences that immediately make you seem insecure

3 sentences that will immediately make you seem insecure

Too timid? In the video you can see which sentences unintentionally leave this impression.

Sometimes we want to remain particularly diplomatic in conversation – and as a result we often unintentionally appear weak and not very self-confident. Three sentences in particular make you look particularly insecure.

Most of the time we mean well: when we hear tough announcements, we prefer to remain a little non-committal and hope that our statement has already been correctly received. Unfortunately, in many cases this not only causes misunderstandings, it also makes us appear very timid and not particularly strong to the other person, which many of us are not even aware of.

Psychology: 3 sentences that you should avoid in conversation

Regardless of whether at work or with friends, this impression remains with our conversation partners. At best, they have little trust in us in the future, at worst, they see it as an invitation to take advantage of us because we don’t defend ourselves anyway. In the video you can see which sentences we use unconsciously to create a false image of ourselves – and what we should say instead.


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