Psychology: How you know he’s the one

These 5 signs give it away
As you know he’s the one

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Many people search for years: great love. But how do you know if someone is: the right one for you? Here are some signs that you already have your partner for life by your side.

Love can drive you really crazy sometimes. Whether in films, on social media or in the circle of friends: There is hardly any way around the topic of “relationship” and most of the time we portray the perfect couple that never argues. Doubts can arise as to whether everything in your own relationship is going as well as you think.

Of course we know that no couple is really “perfect”, but nevertheless one wishes for at least a small part of this eternal happiness. Maybe you already have a partner with whom you are already very close to this happiness and still ask yourself: Is this person really the one? And even if only your heart can give you the answer in the end, there are some signs that you can recognize that your:e partner:in is your perfect match.

1. You can be yourself

When you’re with the person, you should be able to feel comfortable without pretending. In a relationship you develop further and in the best case your:e partner:in supports you in your goals. If you feel safe in this regard, that is a first sign that you may have already found the love of your life. The same goes for your partner, of course.

2. You trust him:her

Trust is the basis of a healthy relationship, but sometimes it’s very easy to say and a few doubts remain in the back of your mind. Trust is often burdened by previous relationships or negative experiences. If you sometimes have doubts about your basis of trust, it can help to question why this is so. Is there something that justifies your distrust, or are there other reasons that may not have anything to do with your relationship? If you can trust each other, nothing stands in your way!

3. You are willing to approach each other

No matter in which interpersonal relationship: respect from both sides helps to solve conflicts without anyone feeling hurt or misunderstood. Therefore, an indication of a solid relationship is that you respond to each other and communicate about problems without losing your appreciation for the opinion of the other person or even becoming insulting.

4. You want to share experiences with him:her

Something nice happens at work, you had an argument with a friend or a small encounter on the street is particularly memorable: Sharing the small and big things of everyday life is one of the most beautiful things in a relationship . The need to share these moments with your partner indicates that you feel safe with each other and want to share these same things for the rest of your life.

5. You share the same values ​​and interests

Of course, you can’t always agree and it can be nice to get to know other values ​​or hobbies through your partner: However, it can be a hurdle if your basic ideas about life or leisure activities differ so much that you don’t even bother with them cannot share with each other. But if you can do a lot and also have similar ideas about the future, nothing stands in your way in this regard.

It can happen in every relationship that not everything is (yet) correct on one point or another, and many differences can be resolved through talks and compromises. If all points are true, you have the best basis for a long and happy relationship. Even if a relationship takes a lot of constant work, at the end of the day, it’s important that you know what’s important to each other in order to solve any problems that may arise. And if you really want to be sure, your gut feeling will be able to give the right answer in the end!

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