Psychology: These are the habits of people who like to be alone

5 typical behaviors of people who like to be alone

© Clàudia Ayuso / Adobe Stock

Some people need other people around them all the time, while others not only have no problem being alone – they actually need it. You can recognize them by these habits.

Humans are social creatures. Basically, he needs other people in order to be happy and healthy in the long term. But still, there are different personalities, some of whom prefer to spend more time in company and others who prefer less time. Those who are more extroverted usually get new energy from going to parties or meeting a lot of friends.

Introverted people, on the other hand, can certainly enjoy spending time in company, but they usually need enough time and space to be alone. Because this is how you recharge your batteries. At first glance, some introverts may seem quite extroverted. But there are some typical ones Behaviors by which you recognize a person who needs a lot of time for themselves – and likes to be alone.

These habits are typical of people who find their own company frequent enough

1. You love nature

Basically, it is of course healthy and important for everyone to spend time in nature. Often, especially introverted people love to go hiking, swim in a cool lake or take a walk in the forest. They appreciate the peace and quiet they find in these places in nature.

2. You like to do things alone

There is a difference whether a person likes to be alone at home or just as comfortable traveling alone. Anyone who really feels comfortable in their own company usually has no problem doing things alone. This could mean going out to eat alone or even traveling alone. Solo vacations in particular are often very relaxing for introverts. They can always talk to other people when they feel like company, but they can also enjoy the peace and quiet when they want to be alone.

3. You can say no

In order to have enough time for yourself, you often need the ability to differentiate yourself from others. Extroverted people in particular often find it difficult to understand why someone doesn’t want to meet others all the time. That’s why you can recognize people who like to be alone a lot by their ability to say no. No to parties that would stress you out, no to dates that you don’t feel like going on and that would only drain your energy.

4. You think a lot

People who like to have a lot of time for themselves tend to think more than people who are constantly on the go and socializing. Simply because they have the space for it. This means that they often spend a lot of time reflecting and introspecting. They usually know themselves and their feelings and thoughts pretty well. This also often gives them the opportunity to develop new creative ideas.

5. You are active online

Introverted people usually try to limit at least somewhat the time they spend in the company of others. But that doesn’t mean that they are never active on social media, for example. On the contrary: they may even feel quite comfortable in digital communities because they meet like-minded people who share similar interests and personality traits. It may be easier for them to express themselves in such a safe space than in an environment of people who don’t feel understood by them.

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