Psychology: These exercises are designed to make you happier in 4 minutes

These 3 exercises will make you happier in less than 4 minutes

© Drobot Dean / Adobe Stock

Psychological well-being is important in order to increase the quality of life and to cope with everyday life. However, every now and then the mental state can become unbalanced. You don’t have to judge yourself or even be ashamed of it. Challenges are part of life and we do not always have a sufficiently high level of resilience. Problems, fears, worries – none of this just bounces off us. Because we are human. With emotions and feelings.

Although we can work on our psychological resilience to achieve basic satisfaction, every now and then we just feel sad and listless. Sometimes it’s not all that bad to feel sadness. Negative feelings have the same right to exist as positive feelings. If you’re still looking for one short burst of happiness in everyday life you should do the following three exercises know.

According to the study: 3 exercises that will make you happier in just four minutes

In a study published on, researchers examined over 500 people who had experienced substance abuse. Many addiction researchers are increasingly assuming that not only eliminating substance use is important in recovery, but also positive experiences and moments of happiness. The following three exercises gave the study participants the greatest happiness boost – and certainly can’t do us any harm.

1. Relive happy moments

Choose a personal photo that captures a happy moment and describe it in a few words. You will see how your mood improves within a very short time.

2. Savoring

“Savouring” is about writing down and appreciating two positive experiences from the past day. In general, many positive things are better anchored in our brains when we write them down. On the other hand, it is also good to write down the thoughts that bother us and stress us so that they disappear from our brain.

3. Rose, bud, thorns

“Rose, bud, thorn” is a metaphorical way of writing down a highlight and challenge of the past day, as well as a joy to be appreciated the next day.

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