Psychology: These habits reveal more about your intelligence than you think

These habits reveal more about your intelligence than you think

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Hard numbers and facts are not the only way to determine how intelligent someone is. We can also recognize this in subtle characteristics and habits – like these.

Intelligence consists of far more aspects than good school grades, correct answers in quizzes and financial success. But these are usually exactly the points at which we think we can tell whether someone is smart or not so smart. There are some features that make this much easier to see. However, they are much more subtle and we often don’t associate them with intelligence at all. These include, for example: Habits like this:

5 habits that reveal more about your intelligence than you think

1. You question everything

If you don’t ask, you remain stupid – we learned this wisdom on Sesame Street, and it still applies when we grow up. Many people believe that admitting when we don’t know something is a sign of weakness and lack of intelligence. The opposite is the case: Smart people want to know everything exactly and often don’t allow themselves to be fobbed off with simple answers. You question everything and are constantly trying to understand something precisely – and perhaps be able to improve it.

2. You change your mind

It can also be a sign of intelligence if someone dares to change their opinion on a certain topic. Because if you think a lot and exchange ideas with other smart people, you will automatically come to the point every now and then where you realize that your own assessment is simply not correct.

3. You are a good listener

Being able to listen well and empathize with others can also make a smart person. Because emotional intelligence is also an important component of wisdom. Anyone who treats other people empathetically and really engages with the other person in conversations demonstrates a high EQ.

4. You pay attention to your needs

Too often we equate intelligence with performance. Self-care is one of the habits that really intelligent people cultivate every day. Because they know that taking good care of themselves and their needs will help them move forward in the long term – and also promise more success. So you give yourself enough breaks, time for relaxation and exercise, as well as a diet that is good for you.

5. You pay attention to details

Smart people pay close attention to their surroundings and everything they see and hear. They go through life very consciously, which is why they rarely miss a detail. This may mean that they take a little more time on certain tasks than other people – but they know that the better result is worth the more time investment.

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