Pure enjoyment: Those who drink black coffee live healthier

study shows
That’s why you should drink your coffee black

Is black coffee healthier than coffee with milk?

© MrslePew / Shutterstock

Four to five cups of coffee a day usually have a positive effect on your health. Nutritionists even claim that coffee drinkers live longer – but there’s a catch.

A coffee after waking up, a cup for the midday slump, one more in the afternoon with cake and then another in between: If this description fits your coffee consumption, there is no reason to limit yourself. On the contrary! You are doing something good for your health. One came to this conclusion University of South Australia study in 2019.

With five cups of coffee a day, health benefits the most and there are no risks. However, there is a catch, how Researchers: within the University of Graz found in another study.

Without milk and sugar: That’s why coffee is healthier on its own

Black coffee is far better for your health than spiced up with sugar and cow’s milk. The scientists in Austria were able to prove that black coffee works like a detoxification cure. Drinking black coffee stimulates the process that breaks down old, dead parts in the cells and creates new, healthy cells; the cells clean themselves and detoxify. This endogenous detoxification program protects against Parkinson’s, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and dementia, cancer and heart disease.

The research team was able to observe that one to four hours after consumption, increased detoxification activity was detected in all organs examined, such as the liver, heart and skeletal muscles. However, if cow’s milk is added to the coffee, the positive effects are weakened. The scientists blame the animal proteins contained in cow’s milk for this. If you want to take care of your health, you should rather enjoy your coffee pure.

What Makes Black Coffee Healthy?

What makes coffee so healthy in particular are the cell protectors it contains, which attack and defend against the body’s cells and thus shield the body from invaders. Coffee is full of ingredients. These include, for example, vitamins and minerals, proteins and fats and a variety of acids. Many of these ingredients can have positive effects on the human organism.

Not all people tolerate black coffee

However, some people are sensitive to drinking black coffee on an empty stomach. The acidity of coffee and the caffeine can attack the stomach lining or stimulate stomach acid production, which can lead to heartburn, for example. In this case, plant-based milk (e.g. coconut milk, oat milk) can help to moderate the acidity, making the coffee more digestible. Of course, this also applies to all those who generally do not want to do without milk in their coffee.

Source used: worldtimes-online.com


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