Quakes in Turkey and Syria – “The tremors have destroyed the confidence that things will get better” – News


Fear and desperation: Journalist Stefanie Glinzki witnessed the renewed earthquakes in the Turkish city of Antakya.

Two weeks after the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, the earth in the region trembled twice again. The tremors were also felt in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Their strength is given as 6.4 and 5.8. Freelance journalist Stephanie Glinski is in the Turkish city of Antakya, which was hit hard again.

Stefanie Glinski

Freelance journalist

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The freelance journalist Stefanie Glinski reports for the British “Guardian”, “Foreign Policy” and the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, among others.

SRF News: What new damage have these earthquakes caused?

Stefanie Glinzki: There was further damage to buildings. The city is already destroyed. There is no longer a house in the center. Over 200 people were injured and some people died. The rescue work started immediately because the helpers are still on site.

People are panicking that it could happen again.

What did the new tremors do to people?

You have destroyed the confidence that things will get better. You can feel that. It pushes people to their limits. Many people lost relatives with the first tremor, and that always raises questions: Why is this house still standing, why did the other one collapse? There is a great sense of desperation. People are panicking that it could happen again. You cannot prepare for an earthquake.

It feels like you’re standing on the sea, but you’re standing on solid ground.

These two tremors were slightly less powerful than the tremors two weeks ago. How would you describe that?

It’s weird to describe, it’s a very deep sound from the earth. It feels like you’re standing on the sea, but you’re standing on solid ground. Everything moves, you can lose your balance.

The sounds come not only from the earth, but also from houses moving and collapsing. This is shocking and very frightening. It was dark again on Monday evening. There is still very little light in the street at the moment. It’s very traumatizing for everyone involved.

The new earthquakes were also felt in Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. What do you know about the extent of the new damage there?

I spoke to colleagues in Idlib, Syria. Buildings collapsed there too. The Syrian towns are even more difficult to reach than, for example, Antakya. The people are isolated.

Isabelle Maissen conducted the interview.

A man sits in front of a large pile of rubble and holds his head


Desperation is spreading among the population after yesterday’s earthquake.


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