Queen Elizabeth: How cute! She shares a rare mom photo

Queen Elizabeth lets us wallow a bit in the past. A rare picture of the Queen was recently shared on the Instagram profile "theroyalfamily". The occasion for this was the birthday of her son, Count of Wessex. And we have to admit, the picture melts our hearts.

The Queen as a proud mother

The find was made in 1965 and shows little Prince Edward in his mother's arms at Frogmore House in Windsor. He is the youngest son of the Queen and, as can be seen in the picture, her pride and joy. She grins unmistakably at her little baby. Did she already know back then that he would follow a straight path compared to some other royals? Maybe that's why he received a very special gift from the Queen last year. She gave him a new title for his birthday. Since then he has been able to call himself "Count of Forfar" in Scotland. What was there for your birthday this year?

"Happy Birthday"

The followers are also blown away by the rare baby photo. You congratulate diligently – but not only for your birthday. Queen Elizabeth also receives a few compliments. "The queen looks so pretty," enthuses a user. Yikes, someone – then as now – has a few secret admirers.

Prince Edward is the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. His older siblings are Prince Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew.

Queen Elizabeth II. – Facts and Figures

  • Queen Elizabeth II is the English head of state
  • The Queen has been on the throne since 1952 – longer than all of her predecessors
  • The Queen is the longest reigning head of state in the world
  • Her birth name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
  • She was born on April 21, 1926 in Mayfair

Sources used: Instagram