Questions like we should ask our grandma

The grandmother is a very special woman in our life. And we can learn so much from her! We should talk to her about that NOW.

In our childhood we loved to be with our grandparents on vacation. Because at Grandma you were allowed to do, eat and say things that were strictly forbidden at Mom. Our grandmother took time for us and was always there for us. But of course, when we were children, we seldom had in-depth discussions with her about life. We should definitely make up for that – because, as sad as it is, at some point we will no longer have the opportunity to do so.

The problem: In the stress of everyday life, we often forget that time runs by like a 100-meter sprinter. The people we love and appreciate fall by the wayside – until one day it's too late. So let's start today by spending more "quality time" with the wisest woman in our lives – and asking her these important questions.

  1. How did you spend your childhood
  2. How did you have such a long and happy marriage?
  3. If you were my age again: would you do something differently?
  4. Was everything really better in the past?
  5. When you look back, what are the three really important things in life?
  6. Is there something that you always wanted to do but never did?
  7. What gave you strength in difficult times?
  8. What is your favorite age?
  9. What is your motto in life?
  10. What are your wishes for the next few years?

Of course, you don't have to cross-examine your grandma right away. And you can also think of completely different questions. But you might plan a little more time for the next visits. Not only is your grandmother happy about this – you will certainly get a lot of inspiring and instructive answers. And if grandma needs a break from speech – how about a chat with grandfather? His life was just as exciting as that of your grandmother …
