Quick Lasagna: You only need 5 ingredients for this easy recipe

Quick Vegan Lasagna
You only need 5 ingredients for this recipe

© stefania57 / Adobe Stock

Lasagna – an absolute winter soul food. In this article we will tell you how the vegan version with only five ingredients can be made very quickly.

Our quick vegan lasagne is a spicy and creamy dream that you will definitely not get enough of! With just five ingredients, most of which you probably already have in your kitchen, this lightning-fast recipe becomes a vegan lasagna classic.

We start with the ingredients:

  • 300 g lasagne sheets
  • 250 g vegan mince
  • 1 jar of diced tomatoes
  • 150 g vegan crème fraîche
  • 150 g grated vegan cheese

Add: oregano, pepper, salt


Now it’s time to prepare the lasagna.

  1. Start by heating a large skillet with plenty of oil.
  2. Then add the vegan mince and fry it a little. When you’re done with that, you can remove the mince from the pan and set aside.
  3. Meanwhile, in the same pan, add the tomato sauce and let it simmer. Now add half the pack of crème fraîche and spices, mix and let simmer again. Then you can add the mince and mix everything well.
  4. Now it’s time for stacking. First spread some of the vegan minced tomato mixture in a buttered casserole dish. Now put a layer of the lasagne sheets on top. Then another layer of vegan chopped tomatoes. Then there are mini blobs of vegan crème fraîche and some of the vegan cheese spread. Fill the shape layer by layer. The last layer should be the vegan minced tomato mixture. Now spread the remaining vegan cheese spread on top.
  5. Bake the lasagne in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 30 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Remove from the oven, let cool slightly and serve.

Your quick vegan lasagna is ready! Simply delicious and so quick to prepare. The perfect recipe for stressful days.

Editor’s tip: Incidentally, the lasagna can be easily upgraded with vegetables or other ingredients that you still have in the fridge. Simply fry together with the mince and use it in the same way.

Source used: own research


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