Quiz Shrek: 10 not simple questions for fans of the green ogre!

Tonight, TF1 Séries Films is broadcasting the second and third installments of the “Shrek” saga from Dreamworks studios. The opportunity to see if you are up to date on the adventures of the most famous of ogres, and his companion Fiona!


Before you embark on this 100% Shrek quiz with ten questions on the four films of the tetralogy, we offer you some anecdotes about the very first film and its genesis.

Shrek was the first film to receive the Oscar for best animated film, when this category entered the list of awards presented at the famous ceremony in 2002. It was followed in the following years by Spirited Away in 2003, The Finding Nemo in 2004 and The Incredibles in 2005.

The French and American actors who lend him their voice could have been quite different. Indeed, if it is indeed Alain Chabat who doubles the green ogre, it must have been originally Emmanuel Curtil (one of the most famous French dubbing voices) who had also made all the recordings before Dreamworks studios changed their mind for commercial reasons. On the US side, Shrek’s voice changed during production for a completely different reason, since actor Chris Farley unfortunately died after recording almost all of his character’s lines.

As for the title Shrek, its origin comes from the German word “schreck” which means “fear, dread” when the adjective “schreklich” is even more linked to the film with its meaning of “awful”. Unless the title of the film refers to Max Schrek, actor immortalized by his disturbing silhouette in Nosferatu the Vampire.

Last anecdote, even if it has not been confirmed, it could however be that the appearance of the green ogre was inspired by a real character, Maurice Tillet, French wrestler emigrated to the United States, suffering from acromegaly , a disease that causes an abnormal increase in the size of the hands and feet, and facial deformity.

But now is the time to play and try to answer these ten questions about the Shrek universe!

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