Rapper Sinik and Diam’s at odds, the origin of their quarrel: “I didn’t digest it very well”

For twenty years, he was a hit in the world of rap, before leaving everything – or almost – and retraining in tattooing in 2015. However, between 2015 and 2022, rapper Sinik released other albums, before indicating that he was finally putting a definitive end to his rap career in 2022. On the OuiHustle YouTube channel, he returned to his friendship with the one who left the world of music, Diam’s, on the occasion of the release this March 7 of her autobiography, A wonderful time.

The two rappers were very friends at the time – in 2005 – but today they no longer speak to each other. Sinik returned to his broken friendship with the one who is now a mother. “Our statuses have changed. We were no longer young, fiery artists who loved to rap. We moved into another world”he explained, before specifying that their distance had happened gradually, the first break appearing when their joint album project aborted: “It didn’t happen, and that’s something I didn’t digest very well.” And the former rapper details: “We had been talking about this project since my very first years with her, it was an old dream, I was in prison, she wrote to me, we talked about it.”

Sinik’s regrets about Diam’s

According to Sinik, there was a reason behind this change of heart: “The problem is that at the time we launch it she has just released two monstrous albums and I have the impression that we are years apart and that she doesn’t want this project”he confided, before explaining that if this album did not see the light of day, it is because the Diam’s camp did not want it: “We saw the bad side of Mélanie. She sent us her manager, who came to the studio and said: ‘I don’t want the album to come out.'” Despite this first difficulty in their friendship, Sinik is tempted to remain close to Diam’s, to the point of no return: “Mélanie, at that time, she was in another delirium. Even towards me, she was starting to be inaccessible”he revealed, explaining that when he tried to go see her in her dressing room at the Zénith, he was refused visiting rights: “I’m told she needs to concentrate […], and that night I said to myself: ‘Buddy, I lost her.’ I think she got sucked into the system.” Pointing out his growing notoriety and his new famous friends, Sinik regrets never having been able to explain himself to her, especially since, since then, she has moved away from this world and he has never seen her again. With more than 1.4 million records sold, the rapper ultimately chose to leave music, feeling “at the end of the cycle”. Since then, he has opened a tattoo parlor and seems fulfilled in this new life.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: YouTube screenshot – OuiHustle

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