Recall: disinfectants do not protect against corona

Does not protect against Corona
Manufacturer recalls disinfectants

Recall: woman disinfects her hands

© M. Podstawka / Shutterstock

In the middle of the pandemic, the manufacturer Solenal has recalled a disinfectant. The effectiveness could not be guaranteed.

It is now part of our everyday life to wash and disinfect our hands regularly. We have disinfectants in our handbags, in the car, in our jackets … after all, we want to make sure that we don't get infected with the coronavirus on the go. But there have been recalls of important protective products over and over again in recent months. Not only masks with incorrect information or lack of effectiveness were recalled, but also disinfectants. Now there is a new warning.

"Effect of the batch is limited"

Solenal GmbH recalls its hand and surface disinfectants. There is no guarantee that it will protect against viruses such as the coronavirus. On its website the manufacturer states verbatim: "We subject our products to constant quality control, with which we want to ensure that our products always meet the highest standards of reliability and safety. The latest findings from this permanent quality assurance have now prompted us to Recall campaign for the 'Charge 18032020' of the Hand and surface disinfection perform. The reason for this is that the effect of the batch mentioned is limited ”. Unfortunately, Solenal GmbH does not provide more information on its website, for example how the lack of effectiveness could be achieved.

What can I do when I have bought the disinfectant?

In any case, no longer use if you want to be sure to reliably fight Covid-19 or other viruses with the disinfectant. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide any information on how to proceed with the return. The recall is also not placed prominently on the homepage. If in doubt, you should go to the appropriate sales point and ask for the products you have bought to be returned.

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