Reconciled – Third round in violent crime trial

Ten previous convictions, two additional convictions, all predominantly pertinent. After hours of interrogation of the victim, the process had to be adjourned again yesterday.

Another entry in the criminal record for serious bodily harm is in the house. This time because the accused is said to have severely abused his then girlfriend in her apartment in Höchst in mid-April. Since then, the 40-year-old Croatian has been in custody in Feldkirch prison. Already in the first hearing on July 28 (the “Krone” reported), the man had denied the allegations for the most part. Victims confirmed the allegations In the presence of an interpreter, the 40-year-old victim was questioned yesterday. This confirmed that the defendant had slapped the face on that morning in April of this year. The death threat that he would tie a stone around her neck and sink her in the lake or bury her alive is also based on the facts. He also smashed glasses, grabbed them by the neck and forced them to kneel on the shards. When she tried to call the police, he broke her cell phone. “He then threw me on the sofa and hit me again. Then he fled,” the interpreter translates the tormented woman. Does the victim have an alcohol problem? When prosecutor Karin Dragosits asked why she only went to the police in the evening, eleven hours after the crime, the Croatian replies that she may have been unconscious be. Since a traffic accident, it’s been like this that she just falls over. The lady does not want to answer the legitimate question of whether she drank the night before the crime or whether she had an alcohol problem. Because eleven hours after the crime, she was still measured at 1.16 per mille. The prosecutor also recalls another interrogation, according to which the police officer recorded in the report that the Croatian appeared oriented despite three per thousand To have not been properly logged by the police, more witnesses are now needed. The trial was adjourned again.
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