Relationship-out: This word can predict the separation 3 months

One word predicts the end of the relationship – 3 months in advance

© Anton__Shevchenko / Shutterstock

A separation usually takes place in the long term. According to one study, the use of a word is said to be able to predict the end of a relationship even three months in advance …

It’s over We broke up. He: she broke up. These words only develop their clout once we have spoken them. A breakup often feels surreal at first. It pulls us out of the present, whirls us around and leaves us exhausted. Because at that moment, when you put the divergence between two people in sentences, their emotional reality suddenly overwhelms us out of nowhere. It rarely comes from there, rarely surprising, but mostly very predictable, only that we didn’t want to see it beforehand. Or could.

Then, when the relationship is over, we often wonder when we got lost. Where did we take the exit instead of staying in one lane? When could we have turned in – and how could we have recognized that the indicator is now on?

Can you predict a breakup?

Now there is a research, the results of which suggest that you can tell when a relationship has ended three months in advance. The background to a breakup is as individual as the relationship. But: we often all experience the stages of drifting apart in a similar way. Researchers at Princeton University have seen this from our social media behavior. The results were published in the journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences “released.

In their study, they examined the language of people on the Internet, more precisely on “Reddit”, when dealing with a breakup. There are various forums on the platform on the subject of love, relationships – and their end. Using the gradients, the scientists worked out certain language markers that could indicate a separation.

From we to I

One word in particular, or its change, caught the eye: Me. Up to three months before a breakup, people should begin to speak more of themselves in I- instead of in we-form.

Most people – let alone ourselves – probably do not even notice this small but fine choice of words. But you can see deeply. Because when we begin to speak of ourselves again as an individual rather than as a couple, especially when it comes to visions of the future, our: e partner: in subconsciously seems to no longer occupy a fixed part of it. You don’t even have to notice it yourself, it just crystallizes in the language in which we communicate with other people about the relationship.

We seem to separate linguistically for a long time before we do it physically. Overall, our way of expression should change over a long period of time around the end of the relationship – about three months beforehand, up to six months afterwards. From this, the researchers concluded, by the way, that it also takes around six months to process a separation.

What do we do with this information now? A relationship is rarely past the point of separation. It is slowly developing and already breaks some time beforehand while we are still clinging to it. If we ourselves notice a change in our choice of words, it can be worthwhile to take a closer look. To ask yourself whether and what problems there are in the partnership. Whether and how we still want a future together. And how we can make this possible if we talk about changes in the relationship at an early stage.


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