Robbery trial – acquittal despite DNA traces on Messer

“I do not know the victim, I was never in his apartment”: This is what the defendant said recently and denied the allegations of robbery. Even the victim expressed doubts about the murder weapon. Ultimately, the judge announced an already final acquittal.

On December 20, 2018, the Romanian (39) is said to have attacked a man in his apartment in Salzburg, according to the indictment. At the beginning of the trial, the 39-year-old denied the allegations, which “Krone” reported. Decisive clue: a folding knife with its DNA traces. But the victim said when the trial continued on Thursday that it was not the weapon of the crime. “It cannot be clarified with certainty when and how the DNA got onto the knife,” emphasized defender Franz Essl. The Romanian was acquitted in case of doubt.
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