Royal Traps – Charlene, The Mystery of the Phantom Princess

LIs the Rocher cursed for the Monegasque princesses? After Grace’s tragic death, the storms suffered by Caroline and Stéphanie’s escapades, it’s Charlene’s turn to go through a bad patch that has been feeding the media for months. In Monaco, only one subject is in all conversations: how is Charlene doing? And when will she return to the palace?

After eight months stranded in South Africa, officially for medical reasons, everyone was waiting for her for the national holiday last November. Alas, barely disembarking by plane, she took to the sea to isolate herself again, outside the principality. “Charlene needs calm, rest, tranquility and appeasement”, recently reassured Prince Albert II, anxious to stem the tides of rumors which cling to his couple like pills on a mohair sweater.

Missed wedding anniversary

The first surprises began just a year ago, when Monegasques were surprised to discover their princess with a half-shaved head, far removed from the glamorous codes of the Rock. Gesture of an injured woman? Symbolic act of rebellion? “It turns out that I wanted to for a long time, the style pleases me, that’s all …” justified the interested.

The rumors escalated when she put her stay in South Africa, her native country, on forever last spring. Left to attend the funeral of the king of the Zulus, she goes on to mobilize against rhino hunting and ends up staying in the savannah, even missing the ten years of marriage with her husband. For the celebrity press, the case has been heard: the princess has taken off, she has never been happy in Monaco, the couple is on the verge of divorce …

READ ALSOAlbert and Charlene of Monaco celebrate ten years of separate marriage

Royal blues

Even Stéphane Bern, who is far from being a fierce opponent of the Rock, puts his foot in the dish by publishing an article this summer in Paris Match which describes the not really pink scenes of the fairy tale: it depicts a melancholy and lonely princess, gradually withering away in a palace that she flees to share her time between the domain of Roc Agel, on the heights of Monaco, a house in Corsica, loaned by friends, or stays in Turkey for the holidays.

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Sad looks, sudden anger, the princess would not have managed to really integrate in Monaco, like the French language she has never mastered. Stéphane Bern also evokes “the endless rumors of Albert’s infidelity” that she could no longer bear … Unless it was a cosmetic surgery operation that would have gone wrong in Africa, forcing the patient to stay put… In short, it is the door open to all the comments that are popping up everywhere, including the German magazine Bunte, announcing during the summer the rupture of the princely couple.

Just a focus

The palace, which has seen others, hopes to see the storm pass and specifies that Charlene has contracted a serious ENT infection which logically forbids her to fly. Albert II visits him with their children Jacques and Gabriella, before continuing the ceremonies as a bachelor, flanked by his twins or members of the clan, asked to do the figuration to fill the void …

Then he decides to strike hard while going up to the niche to nail the beak to the bad tongues. “The princess does not suffer from any serious or incurable disease, it is not more a problem of couple”, he assures in Match at the end of November, when his wife, who had barely returned, was placed in a clinic. “There was no cosmetic surgery. It was only dental problems, nasal septum and sinuses… ”And to add:“ As this does not satisfy the media, everyone went there with their little theory and their little comment … ”

Cared for in Switzerland

A month later, Charlene still has not returned to the palace, which is about to celebrate Christmas without her ghost princess. She would always be treated in an establishment abroad, far from Monaco, “a therapeutic retreat,” said Albert. “In fact, she is in Switzerland in an ultra-chic, very comfortable, very luxurious VIP clinic, specializing in addictions and psychological disorders,” explains Marion Alombert, the editorial director of here is. Charlene is particularly treated for an addiction to drugs and sleeping pills. After her ENT problems in South Africa, she had directly started weaning on the spot, which currently continues abroad, because she was still too fragile. “

According to a relative, who spoke in the American media Page Six, the princess had the worst in South Africa, where she lost a lot of weight, not being able to eat properly after multiple infections and operations. Her father Mike Wittstock also broke the silence by certifying that she will eventually have the upper hand. “My daughter used to swim 20 kilometers a day. Knowing the way she trained, I know that she is resilient and that she will come out much stronger… ”

Tomorrow, a new episode of our series Royal Pitfalls: Mako, the commoner and the escape to New York

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