Royal video: Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan – criticism for appearance

Actually, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have withdrawn from the affairs of the British Crown – but now they are causing a lot of trouble with a semi-official appearance.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan actually moved to America precisely because they were no longer obliged to appear as representatives of the Royal Family. But in this case the two made an exception: on the occasion of the "Remembrance Day" they celebrated your event in their own way in Los Angeles – and now they are receiving a lot of criticism.

"You make me so mad!"

Memorial Day for Fallen Veterans is a matter close to the heart of Prince Harry, who himself served in the military for several years. Before his retirement, he had always been part of the memorial ceremony – the fact that he is now taking it up on his own in his new home America makes many of his fans angry. On the net, let him know in the comments on the social networks that you do not agree with this appearance.
