RSA, AAH, allowances… Here is how much this CAF aid will be increased on April 1st

Several social benefits paid by CAF will be increased on April 1. The increase will be 4.6%.

It’s official. The 4.6% increase in several social benefits, effective from April 1, is confirmed. Announced last fall during discussions on the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS), this figure was confirmed Capital by the Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity.

This increase concerns in particular family allowances, the allowance for adults with disabilities (AAH), the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) and the activity bonus. This increase is provided for by the Social Security Code, which stipulates that the amount of benefits must evolve according to inflation, calculated over a period of two years.

28 euros more per month for RSA

To determine the revaluation for April 2024, the calculation is based on the difference between the average inflation of February 2023 January 2024 and that of February 2022 January 2023, which results in 4.6%. For example, for a couple with two children earning less than 74,960 euros annually, family allowances will increase from 141.99 euros to 148.52 euros per month.

A single RSA beneficiary will see their monthly benefit increase from 607.75 euros to 635.71 euros. Please note that the annual revaluation program as of April 1, 2024 will be visible on the payments of your CAF or MSA from Monday, May 6, 2024.

RSA, AAH, APL… The 3 dates where CAF transfers are postponed to 2024

However, as part of the reflections on budget cuts, Thomas Cazenave, Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts, suggested the possibility of not adjusting certain benefits to the rate of inflation in 2025.

Underindexing in 2025?

This approach would require the adoption of a measure of under-indexing social benefits during the debates on the 2025 budget. This strategy was already used in 2020, where social benefits saw a minimal increase of 0.3% despite a inflation of around 1%.

Daniel Goldberg, president of Uniopss, an association bringing together various players in the health, social and medico-social sectors, criticizes this possible under-indexing. Quoted by Capital, He warns the government against the idea that a lesser increase in social benefits could improve the country’s finances. Daniel Goldberg also denounces a double discourse from the executive, which displays a commitment against poverty while considering reducing financial support for the most precarious individuals.

RSA, activity bonus, allowances…. Bad news coming for CAF payments

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