MOSCOW, February 16 (Reuters) – The Russian ruble fell on Friday after the announcement of the death of political opponent Alexeï Navalny, transferred in December to a penitentiary service in the Yamal-Nenets region, in the Russian Arctic region, for serve a prison sentence there.
The Russian currency is also weakened by the central bank’s decision to maintain its main key rate at 16%.
The ruble fell to 93 against the dollar following the announcement of the death of Alexei Navalny, before recovering somewhat to 92.71, around 12:35 GMT, while remaining at its lowest level since January 4.
Against the euro, the ruble trades at 99.58.
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Russian stock indices are also down, with the dollar-denominated RTS index dropping 0.88% to 1,103.85 points, and the Russian ruble-based MOEX index falling 0.49% to 3,249. 48 points.
In a statement published on its website, the prison administration wrote that Alexeï Navalny, who was 47 years old, “felt bad” after a walk on Friday and “almost immediately lost consciousness”.
The doctors’ intervention did not save him, she adds. (Reporting Alexander Marrow, French version Claude Chendjou, editing by Zhifan Liu)
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